Suicide Squad er en superskursteam som virkelig tog verden med storm, da filmen med gruppen blev frigivet i 2016. In the film, we saw actors like Will Smith, Joel Kinnaman, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto (just to name a few) figure the terrible super curtains.
Her finder du alle vores frække varer fra filmen Suicide Squad.
There is still no one who was impressed by Margot Robbies absolutely amazing interpretation of super scurvy Harley Quinn. Margot really gets the character to be so beautiful crazy and full of attitude as we want to see her. Hun var uden tvivl den mest populære karakter fra filmen efter at den blev lanceret.
Harley Quinn is unhappily in love with the crazy superman Jokern and has inspired his colors as well as symbols when it comes to both tattoos, costume and hair.
Da interesset for Harley Quinn is big, we are really excited to be able to offer really nice clothes with Harley Quinn in the motif and a Harley Quinn masquerade suit that is truly faithful to its original from the film.
Vi har samlet et helt stykke med merchandise fra den fantastiske film Suicide Squad, og her finder du et stykke stof med alle superskurkar som kæmper i filmen for at redde jorden. Blandt disse kan du finde El Diablo, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Killer Croc med flere.